EXA Launches New York-London Hybrid Microwave-Fiber Route

EXA Infrastructure boothWith its dedicated digital infrastructure platform linking Europe and North America and a 151,000-kilometer fiber network spanning 34 countries, London-based EXA Infrastructure has announced plans to expand its market presence in ultra-low latency transatlantic connectivity by launching a new hybrid microwave-fiber route between New York and London.

Nicholas Collins, the CCO of EXA
“There is still a strong desire for quicker connections between the top financial exchanges,” said Nicholas Collins, the CCO of EXA.

This new technological advancement is critical in sectors like financial trading, where minimum delays are important for preserving a competitive advantage. EXA Infrastructure already owns and operates the lowest latency transatlantic cable, EXA Express.

“There is still a strong desire for quicker connections between the top financial exchanges,” said Nicholas Collins, the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of EXA. “We take pride in providing the quickest transatlantic fiber connections for US-UK financial transactions, and we’ll have an open line of communication with our clients as we make smart network investments to provide them with extra value that fosters their expansion. For our clients, market-leading transaction execution latencies translate into higher financial results.

Undersea Cables: Dunant, Havfrue, and Amitie

“The hybrid microwave-fiber route will see microwave technology introduced between Slough-LD4 and EXA’s Cable Landing Station in Cork, Ireland,” said Ciaran Delaney, Chief Operating Officer of EXA. “Our dedication to optimizing routes and using state-of-the-art technology to continually achieve industry-leading low latencies and optimum availability is shown by the network development.”

This news comes after EXA Infrastructure has taken recent actions to increase the range of transatlantic services it offers to clients. With the inclusion of the undersea cables Dunant, Havfrue, and Amitie in its portfolio, clients may now choose from six different transatlantic routes with several landing sites connecting North America and Europe.

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