90% of Firms Struggle to Integrate AI into Tech Stacks, New Study Shows

AIA new study by Tray.io, a pioneer in AI-powered, multi-experience integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), highlights the major challenges businesses encounter when attempting to integrate AI into their technological frameworks, at a time when AI is fast becoming a crucial component of technological advancement. This information highlights a larger issue facing the IT sector: integrating AI requires not just the use of technology but also organizational flexibility and strategic alignment.

According to the Tray.io survey, a startling 90% of businesses are having trouble incorporating AI into their current IT stacks. The intention to take use of these improvements is evident, as the majority of organizations (73%) claim that more than half of their applications include AI capabilities or features enhanced by AI. Companies are eager to use AI to save costs, improve staff productivity, increase customer happiness, and expedite processes. However, despite these lofty objectives, there are several obstacles in the way of AI integration.

The challenges associated with integration are multifaceted and include issues related to the delivery and continuous maintenance of AI features, the lack of strong frameworks for AI deployment, and the intricacies of managing organizational transformation. A clear disconnect would exist between the reality experienced by practitioners on the ground and the ambitions of executives, which makes these difficulties much more difficult. While a considerable percentage of practitioners (20%) claim their firms lack a cohesive AI strategy overall, almost half of corporate executives (48%) emphasize creating strong integrations between internal SaaS apps and AI as part of their plan.

SaaS Applications

Some may refer to the widespread use of SaaS applications – many of which include AI functionalities – as the ‘tech stack doomsday,’ where businesses are forced to manage an excessive number of SaaS applications. Approximately 55% of organizations questioned said they manage more than 50 SaaS applications, and 37% manage more than 100. According to Tray.io’s study, the proliferation of SaaS and the quick uptake of AI features put a lot of pressure on businesses to manage these technologies and make sure they work well together without interfering with one another.

The CEO and co-founder of Tray.io, Rich Waldron, highlights the need of a centralized system that serves as an AI integration control center. Such a platform, in Mr. Waldron’s opinion, is essential for making accurate judgments on how best to incorporate AI into business processes in order to get the best results. But it would take work to close the gap between the CEO vision of a smoothly integrated AI-powered tech stack and the real-world difficulties teams face.

A strategic mismatch among firms is also highlighted by the research. Only a third of practitioners share the executives’ general emphasis on using app-specific AI for every SaaS application. This disparity would suggest that there may have been misinterpretations or miscommunications about the goals and strategic direction of AI integration in businesses.

Furthermore, there are other obstacles to AI integration than technological ones. Critical considerations include data governance, security, compliance, and the need for skill sets that are in line with AI technology. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into business processes, over one-third of executives predict opposition from staff members, indicating the need for cautious handling of the human element of technology change.

AI to Benefit Customer Service, Engineering, Product Dev, IT

The prognosis for AI’s potential advantages is still overwhelmingly favorable despite these obstacles. The capacity of AI to completely transform corporate operations is something that survey respondents are enthusiastic about, with increases in worker productivity, customer happiness, and process efficiency being highlighted as the three main expected advantages. Customer service, engineering, product development, and information technology are the fields most anticipated to gain from AI applications, according to the study.

The conclusions of Tray.io‘s analysis might serve as a call to action for a more nuanced approach to AI adoption as businesses negotiate the challenging landscape of AI integration. Technological expertise would not be the sole need for success in this quest; strategic vision, organizational alignment, and an adaptable workforce eager to take advantage of AI’s disruptive potential are all necessary.

Survey Methodology

The conclusions of the Tray.io 2024 AI Implementation Strategies in the Enterprise survey are based on an online survey that looked at the perspectives of 1,044 business professionals in the United States who work for companies with 1,000 or more employees. These professionals included 233 practitioners, 139 team leads, 255 managers and senior managers, 120 directors and department heads, 90 Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Senior Vice Presidents, as well as 207 C-level executives.

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