CWCS Managed Hosting Announces New UK Data Center for 2024

CWCS-Data-Centre-NottinghamCWCS Managed Hosting has announced intentions to build a new data center in the UK, with an anticipated operating date of 2024, signaling a major boosting of its infrastructure capabilities. The company’s headquarters and current stronghold are in Nottingham, a thriving city, which serves as the backdrop for this strategic growth.

UK managed hosting provider CWCS, headquartered in Nottingham, with locations throughout the UK and USA, provides a wide range of hosting solutions with their extensive service portfolio, which includes colocation, dedicated servers, cloud, and bare metal.

CWCS Managed Hosting has shown its commitment to expanding its operations with the recent purchase of a site at 3 Padge Road, Nottingham, which will house the forthcoming data center. The selected location, a two-story, 9,300 square foot (863 square meter) structure built in 1980, is going to be transformed into a “cutting-edge” data center complex.

Karl Mendez, CEO of CWCS Managed Hosting
“Our capacity to provide a flexible range of hosting choices will be significantly improved by the new data center in Nottingham,” said Karl Mendez, CEO of CWCS Managed Hosting.

The company’s strategic expansion via acquisitions over the last three years has generated an increasing demand for hosted solutions from both current and prospective new clients, which is why this development was made.

Karl Mendez, CEO of CWCS Managed Hosting, stressed the significance and urgency of this growth. Mr. Mendez says there is a growing market need for hosted solutions, especially in the areas of server colocation and private cloud. “Customers are looking for data centers that are manned by technicians around-the-clock in addition to providing security and redundancy. Our capacity to provide a flexible range of hosting choices will be significantly improved by the new data center in Nottingham, guaranteeing CWCS’s continued status as an essential partner in mission-critical data hosting.”

ISO 27001 Compliance, Sustainability Efforts

CWCS Managed Hosting has pledged to uphold the highest levels of security and quality management, as shown by its continuous certifications ISO 27001 and 9001, even if the information of the data center’s final specifications is yet unknown. The UK business has also set a lofty target of being carbon neutral by 2030. In line with CWCS’s commitment to secure, low-emission hosting solutions, the new facility’s energy-efficient architecture reflects this commitment to environmental sustainability. Mr. Mendez emphasized that the sector must help clients reduce their energy costs and emissions and carefully monitor energy use.

Together with Mark Tomlinson, Director at FHP, who represented the sellers, and Giles Davis, Partner at Geo Hallam & Sons, the new site was successfully acquired. Considering the unique requirements of CWCS’s activities, the search for a suitable site was deemed difficult. But the team’s efforts paid off, as they were able to secure a facility that would provide the ideal balance of location, customizability, and future expansion potential. The move is expected to usher in a new era in CWCS Managed Hosting‘s history of offering ecologically conscious hosting services as the firm prepares to launch its newest data center in the United Kingdom.

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