Google Cloud Unveils Cloud Risk Management System, SCC Enterprise

Google Cloud

Security Command Center Enterprise (SCC Enterprise), the newest tool in Google Cloud’s portfolio, has been released. By using the expertise of dynamic cyber defenseand response solutions provider Mandiant, a company acquired in 2022, this new technology would successfully unify the domains of cloud security and corporate security activities.

Google claims it to be the industry’s first cloud risk management system. With regard to the solutions available today, the cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs), a common issue addressed by SCC Enterprise is their lack of integration with an organization’s broader security operations. To help organizations quickly detect and address (multi-)cloud security issues, Google Cloud is launching this new solution, built on the Google security fabric, that seeks to break down current data, team, and tool silos.

“Present-day cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs) have contributed to a decrease in the quantity of point goods used in multicloud security,” said Sunil Potti, Vice President and General Manager at Google Cloud Security in a blog post. “Nevertheless, they often continue to be obstinately isolated from larger security operations capabilities, where top-notch solutions provide thorough insight into threats and hazards and give equal weight to effectively mitigating those risks.”

Mimic the Strategies of Attackers

SCC Enterprise combines Mandiant’s threat intelligence data with essential current SecOps response tools. The aim is to empower organizations to identify problems and then promote responsibility for safeguarding their multi-cloud setups. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), Google Cloud’s most recent product line streamlines many phases of cloud security lifecycles, from early discovery to comprehending complex security concerns and carrying out assisted repair.

SCC Enterprise from Google Cloud would be unique in that it has a continuous risk engine that mimics the strategies of a sophisticated and determined attacker. This feature’s goal is to pinpoint the problems that provide the most risk. Next, the algorithm creates visually intuitive depictions of high-risk assault pathways. To help security professionals prioritize the most important problems, the program also creates risk rankings.

Mandiant Hunt is also included in the Security Command Center’s Enterprise edition. This professional security solution is intended to actively look for risks that might manage to avoid detection by traditional means. Google Cloud hopes to enhance defense capabilities against ongoing attacks by putting this service into place.

“Organizations may envision a new future of cloud security with our new solution – one where SOAR-driven actionability and SIEM-powered visibility coexist side by side,” added Sunil Potti in his blog post. “By including remediation and issue accountability into the end-to-end workflows of a converged cloud risk management platform, security teams can get a single picture of their posture controls, current threats, cloud identities, data, and more.”

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