Study Highlights AI’s Integral Role in Application Development

DockerAccording to the Docker AI Trends Report 2024, an astounding 64 percent of respondents are using artificial intelligence (AI) for jobs such as coding, documentation, and research. This demonstrates the profound penetration of AI into the application development process.

The survey, which was carried out with more than 1,300 developers from all around the world, would demonstrate the revolutionary impact that artificial intelligence (AI) has had on application development as well as the growing potential for enhancing application development methods.

Nahid Samsami, Vice President of Developer Experience at Docker, stated, “Docker’s AI Trends Report 2024 clearly demonstrates that AI is not merely a trend but a fundamental shift in software development. These results are the first of many insights that Docker plans to release in the upcoming months, and we can’t wait to do so. These revelations reinforce our goal of offering strong, user-friendly solutions that assist developers in this quickly changing ecosystem and verify our course of action.”

Junior Engineers Show Greater AI Reliance

This online survey gathered information about the tools developers use, their application development workflows, obstacles they face, their thoughts on market trends, how they use Docker, and how involved they are in developer networks. 885 of the 1,300 participants finished the survey satisfactorily. These 885 participants’ comments provided the insights that are covered in this paper.

Key findings of the study include the following:

  • Broad AI Adoption – The fact that a startling 64% of respondents use AI for coding, documentation, and research would show how deeply ingrained AI is in the development process.
  • Perception of AI – 65% have a positive opinion of AI, citing simpler work procedures (61%) and a focus on important activities (55%). However, there was also a cautious note on the hype surrounding artificial intelligence, with forty-five percent of respondents believing that the industry may be placing too much emphasis on AI.
  • AI in Everyday Development Activities – AI is primarily being used by developers for coding, documentation, and research, highlighting the importance of artificial intelligence in streamlining crucial aspects of the development cycle. AI is used in the workplace by 64% of respondents, primarily for coding (33%), documentation (29%), research (28%), test authoring (23%), and troubleshooting/debugging (21%).
  • Rising Reliance on AI – When compared to their more experienced peers, junior back-end and full-stack engineers (less than five years of experience) indicate a substantially higher dependence on AI technologies (about 4 out of 10 reported reliance versus 2.5 out of 10). This might point to a growing reliance on AI in specialized technical areas and the future generation of developers.
  • AI is not a Threat – Only 23% of respondents believe that artificial intelligence poses a threat to their professions, while 19% believe that it would make their jobs more difficult.
  • AI Tools of Choice – Google Gemini (previously known as Bard) (19%), ChatGPT (46 percent of respondents), and GitHub Copilot (30 percent) are the artificial intelligence tools that are utilized the most by developers.
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