Virtuozzo Enters Distribution Partnership with Robson Communications

Virtuozzo, a provider of cloud platforms to hosting providers, has entered into a new distribution partnership with Robson Communications, a specialist in cloud infrastructure and services for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) across the Americas.

This collaboration would allow Robson to offer Virtuozzo’s cloud solutions as a flexible and affordable alternative to VMware, addressing concerns following VMware’s acquisition by Broadcom, which affected bundling, licensing, and partnership models.

Robson will distribute Virtuozzo’s cloud solutions for on-premises deployments and as on-demand Infrastructure- and Platform-as-a-Service hosted in Robson’s expanding network of data centers. Additionally, Robson provides consulting, service design, and migration services to facilitate the transition to Virtuozzo’s platform.

Mark Taylor, President of Robson Communications, emphasized that this partnership ensures business continuity for companies affected by changes in VMware’s policies, offering relief and optimism for the future with a vendor that prioritizes customer needs. Taylor highlighted the suitability of Virtuozzo’s partnership model, licensing, and solutions, expressing excitement about future cloud advancements.


Virtuozzo’s platform, based on OpenStack, is tailored for hosting service providers offering private, public, and hybrid cloud solutions. It also provides hosted versions of its software, allowing MSPs and resellers to offer cloud services without managing the underlying infrastructure. As an Authorized Virtuozzo Distributor, Robson will offer these options to its customers.

Alex Fine, CEO of Virtuozzo, noted that Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware has prompted companies to seek more flexible, affordable, and inclusive cloud partners. He stated that Virtuozzo’s solutions are designed to support growth rather than hinder it, and with partners like Robson, they are facilitating the transition from VMware’s complex and costly ecosystem to a modern, future-proof alternative.

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