Wowza Streaming Engine Now Compatible with Amazon EC2 VT1

Wowza Streaming Engine is now compatible with Amazon EC2 VT1 instances from AWS. This is a big step forward for live and interactive video streaming. The update, which can be found on the AWS Marketplace, would make video processing faster and better for a variety of live streaming needs.

Video streaming provider Wowza has worked hard to make video streams faster and more sustainable. This new improvement was made possible by their work with AMD in 2023, which combined Wowza Streaming Engine with AMD’s Xilinx Alveo U30 accelerator card. Now, the Amazon EC2 VT1 instances are powered by the Xilinx Alveo U30 card, which is known for its fast and low-latency transcoding for big video streams.

“Collaboration powers innovation,” said Dave Stubenvoll, CEO of Wowza. “What we’re seeing here is next-level streaming technology resulting from the combined efforts of major industry players, namely AWS, AMD, and Wowza.”

For organizations that process large volumes of streams, efficiency can be crucial. Reduced server load translates to lower carbon footprints and cost savings, essential for companies needing scalable solutions on a budget. Additionally, lower server loads would enhance stream reliability, reducing the risk of server overloads. As demand for video streaming continues to grow, even high-demand organizations must plan for future scalability.

Wowza’s approach, in collaboration with AMD and AWS, would address these needs effectively. The integration of high-density transcoding would allow customers to enjoy scalable, low-latency streams without sacrificing quality. They may benefit from reduced server demands and the cost efficiency of Amazon EC2 VT1 instances. This trifold solution would provide a sustainable, scalable, and cost-effective streaming infrastructure that evolves with organizational needs.

‘Better Performance, Healthier CPU Usage’

“With Wowza Streaming Engine and the Alveo U30 on Amazon EC2 VT1, we can provide better performance, healthier CPU usage, and considerable cost savings,” said Ashique Anwar, Chief Product Officer at Wowza.“With Wowza Streaming Engine and the Alveo U30 on Amazon EC2 VT1, we can provide better performance, healthier CPU usage, and considerable cost savings,” said Ashique Anwar, Chief Product Officer at Wowza.Ashique Anwar, Chief Product Officer at Wowza, emphasized the broader implications of this advancement. “Organizations with high processing demands are feeling the pressure relative to sustainability – not only in terms of the environment but also the sustainability of their infrastructure as their transcoding needs grow over time. With Wowza Streaming Engine and the Alveo U30 on Amazon EC2 VT1, we can alleviate much of that pressure through better performance, healthier CPU usage, and considerable cost savings.”

The availability of Wowza Streaming Engine on Amazon EC2 VT1 instances would offer businesses a robust solution for handling high-density video transcoding workloads. These advancements in performance, scalability, and integration capabilities may enable companies to deliver superior video experiences to their audiences, meeting the increasing demands of modern video streaming applications.

This collaboration highlights the synergy between, AWS, and AMD, showcasing how industry partnerships can drive technological innovation and provide practical solutions for today’s digital landscape.

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