Survey: Only 8% of Organizations Achieve High Cloud Maturity Levels

HashiCorp (NASDAQ: HCP), delivering its cloud infrastructure solutions globally, has unveiled the findings from its 2024 State of Cloud Strategy Survey, conducted by Forrester Consulting. As enterprises intensify their cloud adoption and integrate lifecycle management for infrastructure and security, the survey reveals that a mere 8% of organizations can be classified as having highly mature cloud programs, despite the widespread momentum.

“This year’s State of Cloud Strategy Survey delved into cloud maturity, which we define as the adoption, standardization, and scaling of key practices across entire organizations. The data highlights a significant challenge: the majority of organizations struggle to realize a positive business impact from their cloud programs, with 40% of low-maturity organizations still awaiting returns on their cloud investments,” said Meghan Liese, VP Product Marketing at HashiCorp. “Conversely, those organizations that have attained high cloud maturity report substantial benefits, including enhanced productivity, stronger security, and lower cloud costs. Achieving cloud maturity hinges on the role of platform teams and their control over the cloud estate through comprehensive infrastructure and security lifecycle management.”

HashiCorp’s survey sheds light on several critical aspects of cloud program implementation:

General Cloud Programs

Highly mature organizations have adopted standardized practices for managing infrastructure and security lifecycle through platform teams, with 67% of these organizations delivering such services via centralized management and automation. These organizations, despite spending more on cloud infrastructure, report less financial waste. Notably, 66% of respondents indicated an increase in cloud infrastructure spending over the past year, yet 91% acknowledged experiencing some level of cloud waste.

A significant challenge remains the shortage of skilled personnel, as reported by 64% of highly mature respondents. However, 67% of these organizations leverage platform teams to amplify the impact of their workforce. The integration of AI is also on the rise, with 70% of all respondents – and 85% of highly mature organizations – either using or planning to use AI to enhance their cloud infrastructure.

Infrastructure Lifecycle Management

Organizations with advanced cloud maturity adopt a holistic approach to infrastructure lifecycle management, encompassing building, deploying, and managing critical applications. This strategy is facilitated through unified workflows aimed at reducing risk and accelerating developer productivity. Despite the widespread recognition of platform teams, only 42% of respondents currently rely on them to fully standardize cloud operations, though 95% have initiated the process of establishing such teams.

Security Lifecycle Management

High-maturity organizations adopt an identity-driven approach to manage the full lifecycle of security, which includes inspecting, protecting, and connecting secrets and credentials. This comprehensive approach has led to stronger security outcomes for 86% of these organizations. Security remains a pivotal factor for cloud infrastructure success, largely due to the challenges associated with secret sprawl and the necessity for comprehensive security lifecycle management.

Survey Methodology

The fourth annual State of Cloud Strategy Survey, conducted by Forrester Consulting, aimed to assess organizational cloud maturity and refine HashiCorp’s cloud maturity model by focusing on the impact of scaling key practices across organizations. The survey sampled nearly 1,200 technology practitioners and decision-makers from companies with over 1,000 employees across various industries globally. Respondents were selected from random samplings and HashiCorp’s opt-in contact database.

In summary, HashiCorp’s 2024 survey highlights a critical gap in cloud maturity among enterprises, despite increased investments and strategic initiatives. The findings would emphasize the importance of platform teams and lifecycle management in achieving cloud maturity, which can lead to significant benefits in productivity, security, and cost-efficiency. For businesses aiming to maximize their cloud investments, the path forward would lie in adopting and scaling these key practices across their organizations.

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