How to Set Up a Hypercharge: Unboxed Server on AnonVM Hosting

Hypercharge: Unboxed is an exciting tower defense game where players defend action figures from hordes of enemies, combining fast-paced gameplay with strategic planning. Setting up a dedicated server for Hypercharge: Unboxed can provide you and your friends with a seamless, custom gaming experience, free from interruptions. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to install and configure a Hypercharge: Unboxed server on your AnonVM VPS, ensuring high performance and control over your server.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A valid AnonVM VPS account.
  • Basic knowledge of SSH and Linux commands.
  • Access to your VPS via SSH.
  • SteamCMD (Steam Command Line Tool) to download the server files.
  • Proper knowledge of opening ports in your firewall for multiplayer access.

Step 1: Access Your AnonVM VPS

  1. Log in to your AnonVM account and access your VPS.

  2. Connect to your VPS via SSH using a terminal on Linux/Mac or a tool like PuTTY on Windows.

    Command for Linux/Mac:

    ssh root@your-vps-ip

    Enter your password when prompted to log in.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Before you download the Hypercharge: Unboxed server files, you need to install some required dependencies.

  1. Update your system:

    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
  2. Install necessary libraries:

    apt-get install wget curl lib32gcc1 -y

These dependencies are essential for running SteamCMD, which will handle the download of the Hypercharge: Unboxed server files.

Step 3: Install SteamCMD

SteamCMD is a command-line tool used to install dedicated server files for games like Hypercharge: Unboxed. Here’s how to install it:

  1. Create a Steam directory:

    mkdir -p /home/steam cd /home/steam
  2. Download SteamCMD:

    wget tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
  3. Verify the installation:


    Running this command should open SteamCMD. To exit, simply type quit.

Step 4: Download Hypercharge: Unboxed Server Files

Now, we’ll use SteamCMD to download the Hypercharge: Unboxed dedicated server files.

  1. Start SteamCMD:

  2. Log in anonymously:

    login anonymous
  3. Set the installation directory:

    force_install_dir ./hypercharge_server
  4. Download the server files:

    app_update 683950 validate

    This will download the Hypercharge: Unboxed server files to the ./hypercharge_server directory. The process may take a few minutes, depending on your connection speed.

Step 5: Configure the Hypercharge: Unboxed Server

Once the server files are downloaded, it’s time to configure your server settings.

  1. Navigate to the server directory:

    cd /home/steam/hypercharge_server
  2. Configure server settings by editing the configuration file. Look for files like serverconfig.cfg or similar. You can edit this with any text editor, such as nano:

    nano serverconfig.cfg

    In the configuration file, you can adjust:

    • Server name: Customize the name of your server.
    • Max players: Set the maximum number of players allowed on your server.
    • Game mode: Choose the game mode (e.g., campaign, survival).
    • Password protection: Set a password if you want to restrict access to your server.

    After editing the configuration, save and close the file (CTRL + X, then Y to confirm changes).

Step 6: Open Required Ports

For other players to connect to your server, you must open the appropriate ports in your firewall.

  • Default port for Hypercharge: Unboxed is 7777 (UDP) for the game, and 27015 (TCP) for server queries.

To open these ports using UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall), use the following commands:

ufw allow 7777/udp ufw allow 27015/tcp ufw reload

If you're using a different firewall solution, ensure that these ports are opened accordingly.

Step 7: Start the Hypercharge: Unboxed Server

With everything configured and ports opened, you can start your Hypercharge: Unboxed server.

  1. Run the server:


    This command should start the server. Players will be able to connect using your VPS’s IP address or domain name.

  2. Optional: Run the server in the background using screen or tmux:

    • Install tmux:

      apt-get install tmux -y
    • Start a new tmux session:

      tmux new -s hypercharge
    • Run the server in the tmux session:

    • Detach from the session with CTRL + B, then D. You can reattach by running:

      tmux attach -t hypercharge

Step 8: Connect to Your Server

After the server is running, you and other players can connect by launching Hypercharge: Unboxed and selecting Join Game. Enter the server's IP address or domain name to find it in the server list. If you’ve set a password, players will need to enter it to join.


Congratulations! You have successfully set up a Hypercharge: Unboxed server on your AnonVM VPS. With your own dedicated server, you can enjoy uninterrupted gaming sessions and tailor the server settings to suit your preferences.

To keep your server running smoothly, ensure that you regularly update both the game and server files, and back up your server settings and game data. Enjoy protecting your action figures and fending off hordes of enemies in this exciting multiplayer tower defense game!

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